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Parrots are...
Parrots are properties of a strong curve bill, a standing position, the sound legs and feet again zygodactyls. Most parrots are mostly green, with other colors, and some types are multi-color. Cockatoo of white species are often very black, and have a phone tip feathers at the summit of their leaders. Most parrots are monomorph or mini sexual Dimorphism. Species existing line of the Buff-size view of the pygmies-parrot, less than 10 grams (0.35 oz.) weight and 8 cm (3.2 inches) in length, hyacinth, Ara, 1, 0 m (3.3 feet) Long, and the kakapo, to 4.0 kilograms (8.8 lbs) weight. They are the variables to the birds in size in terms of length.
The main elements of most parrots nutrition are seeds, nuts, fruit, buds and other vegetable matter, and some species also eat insects and small animals, and the loris and are specialized for loriquets feed on nectar from flowers and red fruit. Nearly all parrots nest in the holes of trees (or nestboxes in captivity), and the laity protein, consisting of altricial (fainting) young people.
Parrots, as well as the crows, ravens and magpies, are just some of the birds, the intelligent, and the ability to certain types of parrots to imitate the human voice strengthens their popularity as pets. Humane wild parrots for the pet trade in, as well as other hunting, loss of habitat and competition non-native species, went to the wild populations, the parrots and were operating more than any other group of birds. The recent measures to preserve the habitat of certain top profile charismatic parrot protected species also have many of the less charismatic species in the ecosystem.
The Owls
The smallest owl is Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi), as little as 31 grams (1.1 ounces) and 13.5 cm (5.3 inches). Some of the pygmies owls are hardly bigger. The largest of the owls are two of the eagle owls, Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) Blakiston and fisheries, Owl (Bubo blakistoni), May, reaching a size of 60-71 cm (28.4) long, have a magnitude of about 2 m (6.6 ft.), and the weight of nearly 4.5 kilograms (10 lbs).
The Owls were, and are unable to see much of anything that only a few centimetres in front of their eyes. Their vision from afar, particularly in poor lighting conditions, is exceptionally good. You can rotate her head 135 degrees in both directions, so they can look beyond their own shoulders.
Different kinds of cool sounds, the wide range of calls owls aid to research or to their presence in potential competitors, and the aid ornithologists and birdwatchers to locate these birds and the recognition of the species. The disk with face to channel, that is, by its prey in their ears. In many ways, these are asymmetrically arranged to find the best location directional (Cotty, 2008).
Owl eggs are usually white and almost spherical, and the spectrum of the number of a few dozen, depending on the species. The eggs are at intervals of 1-3 days and not in the same period started. This explains the great change in the size of the young birds brothers and sisters. The Owls do not build nests, but rather a blanket site breeding areas or leave a nest in the trees, underground buildings or in buildings, stables and caves.
Most owls are night people, actively hunting only a victim under the guise of darkness. Several species of owl, however, are light-sensitive switch or active during the twilight of dusk and dawn, an example is the dwarf Owl (Glaucidium). Some schools are also active during the day; examples are the owl the Terriers (Speotyto cunicularia) and Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus).
The cog on the edge of an owl attack springs to reduce theft.
A large part of the strategy of the owl-hunting depends on the stealth and surprise. Owls have at least two adjustments in the achievement of the Stealth. First, the color of a faille with owl feathers can be almost invisible under certain conditions. Secondly, margins at the top position of the owl regimes cell wing beats of the owl, making their flight is virtually noiseless. Some fish feed on owls, where this silence is no evolutionary advantage of this lack of adjustment. Eleven of the owls and building the lack of feathers theft quietly.
Once the victim was caught, the owl by strong and powerful beak greenhouses or tongs walk by him, to kill his prey before everything to swallow (unless their too large). The scientists are studying the diet of owls are supported by their habit regurgitate the indigestible parts of their prey (such as bones, heads and fur) in the form of pellets. This owl balls "are often sold by the company in the schools to be dissected by the students as
Humpback Whales
The diet of the northern hemisphere humpback whales includes plank tonic crustaceans and small fish tuition fees. Whales in shock in the Southern Ocean to feed mainly on the Antarctic krill. The surge in Fin whale feeding in the cold waters in the spring, summer and autumn, then wanders the winter goes in the tropical oceans, where the calves and breeds. Migrations of humpback whales are among the longest of all mammals, and are known for up to nearly 8000 km (5000 miles). The humpback whales are a variety of sounds, which can be combined, develop in a song. There are, it seems dialects that the singing of whales in an area which differs to some extent by the heard in other areas. The social organization of humpback whales is extremely fluid at both ends of the migration policy. With the exception of the mother / calf pairs, the groups are usually small and unstable, and people often change companion.
The fin in shock happens in all oceans and the adjacent seas of the world, from the tropics to almost to the edge of the ice in the Polar Regions. It appears three geographically isolated populations in the North Atlantic, North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Although commercial hunting seriously exhausted all stocks surge, and these whales are vulnerable to collisions with vessels, the interdependence in the Fang equipment and the disruption (including serious injury) in trade and industry, humpback whales have shown resistance and a large part the stocks to recover.
Great White Shark "Danger in the Deep"
To Great White is an unforgettable experience, in the context of your cell (shark-cage) you start to believe you, the discomfort in your environment. As Great White approaches, the nodes and intensity, what you see, begins to set the alarm in the depth of your brain. It feels so insignificant that the sails of Great White you with the greatest ease, ask them what the black eyes, as you are! Your instinct is to lust, from the water, but a risk. You must understand that these animals are not prey on people, if not the amount of attacks would be far too high. More people die each year in accidents lead to a Deer. So we rightly fear that animal ... The armed Great White a whole range of importance far beyond our own is a strange animal. It mouth elements, which he does not understand is that we are victims, the human body can endure the type of tactical investigation stemming from these sharks. So, get out the way not seen in a cage is safe! Even if the Sharks shock or bite the cage, as I said, trying to understand what you are. The Great White is the only predator not is tamed, kept in captivity or long-term basis in the situation where the limit was 6 months and this seems the border. This beautiful animal is here in the United States, as well as Australia and South Africa. The biggest threat to the sharks is MAN. Some 100 million sharks are killed each year, about now to a second ... Then understand that these sharks are killed for meat, but it fins, shark at the end of soup is a pleasure, Oriental. The price of fins high, which explains why so many sharks are killed, they cut the end and raise the living sharks in the ocean to die. The process of "finning" can be improved and should be regulated. The Sharks are slow, and farmers can not compete with our request. I therefore urge you to help to protect not only the Great White, which until today, an end is not victims, but all the sharks, our oceans. To Great White is an unbelievable experience for you never forget........... Oh, and try to see if the music is not in the head, if you have seen one.....
The Fishing Cat
As the name implies, is the fishing cat is a competent and fishermen are never found, away from the water - but the cat fish show a preference for the reduction to slow or static sources of water, bogs and wet fields margins to reduce speed River or stream edges. The observations were made by the fishing cat with two methods Fang, while - primarily through the fish with their paws on the water and radically different from the water to the fish with their pines. Clearly, the cat fishing is a strong swimmer, but not on the feet palms as it was proposed, however, together with his neighbors, the flat-head of the cat, the claws are not fully covered when retracted. All cats, fisheries, there is on the basis of water and their prey on the mainland of rodents, the young deer and small wild pig. Recent research by the Fisheries feeding the cats in India has shown that the grass is also presented as part of the cat food source.
Leopard is a versatile hunter and, in general, nocturnal pursuit of its prey - but the high levels of hunting in educating young women, often leads to more opportunists hunting during the day. Type prey by the Leopard is again dependent largely on its location - right in the grasslands of Africa, where the roaming herds of large and medium herbivores are common leopard take the youth and pace Wildebeest, Impala and the gaze. However, the same areas Leopard will also take small mammals such as hares and rock Tamaanit, reptiles and insects. However, the western and central forested areas of Africa, the Leopard catch consists mainly of small antelope as the duiker, small monkeys and various rodents, such as rats, squirrels, and porcupines.
Although very competent fighter and the Leopard has not been without a threat to other carnivores - because of this the Leopard commonly caches prey to a high branches of trees near the boxes to the recovery of opportunistic hyenas and lions. It is here that the Leopard shows his great strength - his strong arm and neck muscles, which will allow him to continue to fully mature male giraffe antelope, or even to young people, often weighing up to three times Oman of body weight, high tops of trees. The direct competition with other large cats such as lions, Africa and the tiger in tropical Asia is that this province has been largely overcome, leopards ability to hunt and, more broadly, as the prey, or any other of its two larger rivals. In Asia, the Leopard is also recom-tigre its ability to exist in areas without a plentiful water supply. In some regions, where its habitat is close to that of human leopard has been known to hunt close to houses, preying, pets, livestock and rodents.
Although there are no other wild cat is a very wide range and diversity of birds of prey as the Leopard, it is still under threat in many areas. When the common in all regions of Africa outside the deserts of the Sahara, it has now disappeared from most parts of North Africa, with the exception of a few widespread areas, Atlas, and it is rare in the extreme west of the continent. Under the common leopard, in the middle of the East, Ppnimr and Ppjarvisi have now all gone, but, as is a Persian leopard (Ppsaxicolor). South-East Asia and India, the amount has been reduced, mainly because of hunting the prized fur and the loss of a natural way, because the spread of the human population. South Korean Leopard (Pporientalis), which is also known as Amur Leopard are extremely rare, largely affected by loss of habitat.
While the Leopard has been able to better survive Africa scope of the Lion and the cheetah, which now exists only in places only in this region, the Leopard, in particular in the Middle East, and South-West is extremely dangerous.
The Bobcat...
Compared with the Canadian lynx wild cat is usually lower, and even though it shares many common characteristics, lynx, it can be distinguished from lynx in a number of ways. The Bobcat has been less pronounced ear tufts and cheek ruffs, the peak covers the dark, only the first of his "Stumpy" the tail, much smaller feet, and, in general, a model and a versatile coat coloration. September fur color varies from light gray, yellowish brown, with reddish brown and labels range from "tabby" bands of heavy responsibility. In general, Bobcats found in the southern part of their range is darker and less, but that the cats, in the north is usually pale and bigger.
The Bobcat, as we all homeboy is a great fondness-hare and the rabbit, which are an important part of the diet. However, unlike the Canadian lynx, which is almost exclusively on hunting hares of America, Bobcat happens catch by species, when the better food source is not available. The men will be the largest hunting prey such as deer that during the winter months, while the rest of the catch is limited. Bobcats also prey of other small mammals such as squirrels and striped, rodents and birds. As a general rule, they are hunted, as well as day and night, but there is evidence that most of the hunting takes place at dawn and dusk, corresponding to the periods of peak activity, hares and rabbits, their main prey species. Bobcat at day hunts usually during the winter months.
The behavior, Bobcat is less secret that his Canadian report, and has been found in a wide range of habitats, Canada / USA across the border into Mexico. Bobcats can be found in coniferous and mixed forests north, wetlands and around Florida and the desert and scrubland, the south-west of USA. However, they are absent from well-cultivated areas in northern mid-point. Despite its small size, Bobcat is also arveltu be more aggressive than ilvesten and the areas where their ranges meet, such as the Cape Breton Island, NS, Bobcat lynx moved to a large part of the island.
While the Bobcat the races usually in February and in June in some areas, they have been known to recur throughout the year. Its size is generally high, usually consists of 1-6 and the young are born after the gestation period of about 60 days. Kittens are in daily weight gain of about 25g a day and are weaned around 12 weeks - the wild cat is independent of its mother around 10-12 months of age. It is a significant difference in the quality of life and wild cats in captivity - the nature of the central age is estimated at 12-13 years, but the Bobcats in captivity, they are able to achieve the mid-twenty years.
Although hunting is regulated in many U.S. states, the Bobcat has been hunted relentlessly throughout much of its range. However, the Bobcat populations are high, and although less common, Mexico, in general, the Bobcat is not under threat.
Rhinoceros beetle "The strongest beetle"
Rhino beetles have three in stars; they must by three molts before the change in the stage of the puppet. It is not possible to say what the average life span is that the rhinoceros beetle name refers to about 300 different types of beetles, some live in the tropical countries, and some live in North America, and the time of their lives very differently.
Rhino beetle could serve as useful because they are important in the recycling of plant material in the ecosystem. In only a few occasions, a kind of reached the proportion of pests, which usually takes place the fields of sugar cane plantations and palm trees, which were recently massacred and deep in the jungle. In this case, the man got into the house of habitat and the beetles are changing the balance of things. You can also consider rhinoceros beetles too much of an advantage because of aesthetics: You are all so nice.
The best protection that distinguishes them from their predators is usually large, combined with their work at night. During the day hide it in the newspapers or in the vegetation and invisible since few large predators enough to eat. What is surprising is the Horn of man is not responsible for the protection, but rather the opportunity to battle with another man of more than one location. The victory of the men with the diet of the site can then often attract a second, the women have no horns. It is sort like the guys in the school canteen with the best breakfast can attract the most beautiful girls, they do not really know what you want, but more interested in your diet. It is a very basic biological research for many vertebrate animals (including humans): Men with the most resources are often those who are women. These resources can take many forms: food, land, the ability to care for young people, or the brain; wholesale of wood, horns, big, beautiful or rates to be generally second.
Butterflies are so wonderfull
Currently, the butterflies in three superfamilies, Hedyloidea, consisting of the "American butterflies butterfly," Hesperioidea, consisting of the "boss" and Papilionoidea or "butterflies applicable". The latter two are likely superfamilies sister taxa, so that the butterflies are common thoughts, a group of natural or clade.
The range depends on the name butterfly, the extent to which the concept expanded. Currently, most experts conclude superfamilies Hedyloidea (the Americans butterfly butterflies the night), Hesperioidea (Skipper) and Papilionoidea (the so-called "real" butterflies). This concept of butterflies, including the Hedyloidea was recently expanded, but it makes the group a natural Clade, Rhopalocera.
Butterfly eggs from a CD-V-ribbed belts outer layer of skin, called the Chorion. It is bordered by a thin layer of wax to prevent the egg to dry before the larva has the time to develop fully. Each egg contains a number of small funnel in the form of openings at one end, the micropyles objective of this drilling is to enter the sperm and egg to fertilize. Butterfly and butterfly eggs are in size between species, but they are all either spherical or oval.
Butterfly eggs are on one sheet with a special glue, which quickly hardens. As he hardens are contracts, disrt the shape of the egg. This adhesive is clearly visible to the basis for all the eggs form a meniscus. The type of adhesive is unknown and is a topic for research. This also applies adhesive is a puptoe to the bristles of the cremaster. This adhesive is so difficult that the carpet made of silk, in which the bristles are glued, not be separated.
The eggs are usually on the plants. Each type of butterfly has its own series and hostplant, although certain species of butterflies are limited to a single type of plant, while others use a variety of plant species, many of the members of a family.
The egg takes a step few weeks in most butterflies, but pondus eggs near the winter, particularly in regions of temperate climate, a period of Diapause, and the flourishing of May until the spring. Other May butterflies lay their eggs in spring and they arise in the summer. These butterflies are usually northernly species (cloak of mourning, turtle)
The larvae, or caterpillars, are multi-legs diet of the machines. They consume the leaves and plants spend almost all their time in search of food. Although most caterpillars are herbivores, some species such as Spalgis epius and Liphyra brassolis are entomophages (eating insects). Some of the larvae, especially in the form of mutual Lycaenidae associations with ants. They share with the ants with the vibrations through the substrate and the use of chemical signals. The ants, a degree of protection and their larvae this round to collect the secretion of honeydew.
Caterpillar maturity through a series of steps, called instars. At the end of each phase, the larvae go through a process apolysis, the Cuticula, a mixture of chitin and specialized proteins, is exempt from the shell and the skin begins to form a new cuticle under. At the end of each phase, the larva of the old Cuticula Slough, and the new cuticle quickly hardens and pigments. The development of butterfly wings begins with the last larvae.
Butterfly caterpillars have three pairs of feet true segments of the thoracic and up to 6 pairs of prolegs from the segments of the abdomen. These rings are prolegs of small hooks hooks, which help them attack the substrate.
The caterpillars have the ability to swell the parties to the head to appear as the snake. Many consider false points. The caterpillars have osmeteria structures, the smell everted produce chemicals. These are in the defence.
Guests plants often have toxic substances into the chains and are able to intercept these substances and store in adults. This makes it inconvenient to make the birds and other predators. This unpalatibility is known, with a bright red, orange, black or white warning colors. Toxic chemicals in plants are often designed to prevent insects are eaten. Insects in turn, the development of countermeasures to use or toxins to their own survival. This "arms race" has led to the coevolution of insects and plants, their guests.
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The Baboon's Behavior
Baboons general rule, leaving their places of sleep by 7 or 8 hours after closest to the rock or trees, adults seated in small groups grooming, while adolescents. Then, in the form of a unit closed in itself, moves in a column two or three, walking, they start to food. Fanning, feed, as they move along, who travel often, five or six miles per day. The supply of about three o'clock in the morning, while the rest of the heat of the day and feed, and then again in the afternoon before returning to their beds about 6 hours before retirement, they spend more time, maintenance, in a decisive manner the nature and the education bond between people and baboons to keep clean and free of external parasites.
Baboons sleep, travel, feed and socialize together in groups of about 50 people, composed of seven to eight men and about twice as many women and their boys. This family of women, youth and children constitute the cornerstone of a strong force, with a ranking system, some women as a brand leader. A force in the troop’s home is well defined, but seems not to have boundaries. It has often overlaps with other baboons in the series, but the troops seem to avoid meeting them.
When they start to mature, the males leave their birth and troops moving to and from other troops. Frequently Asked fighting broke out to determine dominance on access to females or meat. The positioning of these men permanently changes during this period.
Men are welcome in new troops slowly, usually by the development of "friends" with women on the brink of a troupe. Often help defend a female and their offspring.
For the first month, a baboon child stays in very close contact with their mother. The mother carries the child next to her stomach when she led with maintaining a hand. With the moment the young baboon is 5 to 6 weeks may be riding on the back, by hanging on the four members in a few months, climbed jockey style, sitting upright. Between 4 and 6 months, the young baboons began to spend most of his time with other young people.
Polar bear "A Powerfull Predator"
The polar bears live in a world of cold climates and are dependent on a thick fur coat in isolation for a warming layer of fat. Fur grows even at the bottom of their feet, which protects against the cold surfaces and offers a good grip on ice. The bear white coat looks bleak for camouflage in snow and ice. But after their fur, the polar bears have black skin better course in warming rays of the sun.
This powerful predator’s typically prey of the seals. In search of the career areas that they visit. The expenses to crack the ice where seals can go out at the surface for air to breathe. They also have stem cells from ice and the edges of breathing. If the opportunity, the polar bears also consuming carcasses, as the deaths of whales. These giants of the Arctic, the master their environment and have no natural enemies.
Women in the ditch, in deep snow slippage provide protection and isolation of the Arctic elements. They arise in the winter, mostly in case of twins. The young bears are living with their mother for about 28 months to the techniques of survival in the far north. Women compete to protect their small, but received no help from their male colleagues exercise restraint. In fact, the male polar bear kill in May even the young people in her case.
The polar bears are attractive and seductive, but they are carnivores, the powerful are usually not afraid of people who design can be dangerous. Near human settlements, they often have a taste of waste, which bears and people in dangerous proximity.
A new study shows a group of reptiles, the flying lived during the era of dinosaurs some 230 million to 65 million years took no prey in flight, but the petioles on the mainland.
So far, the paleontologist photographed what the so-called "lizard wing" or as pterosaurs lean diet. In this vision, the creatures, which over the lakes and oceans Fang of fish, the surface of the water, a little like the seagulls, do today.
The new discoveries, detailed online this week in the journal PLoS ONE, the animals are not totally terrain.
"In our case, the first flight is a method of the locomotive," said the co-Mark Witton Researchers at the University of Portsmouth in England. "They are for use to move from point A to point B. We believe that the majority in their life when they are feeding and reproduction, that's all happening on the ground and not in the air."
To this diet habits, Witton and Portsmouth colleague Darren Naish analysis of the fossils to a group of pterosaurs Tigre azhdarchids paper, are much larger than the other pterosaurs. For example, one of the largest azhdarchids, Quetzalcoatlus, weighs about 550 pounds (250 kg) with a range of more than 30 feet (10 meters) and a height similar to a giraffe.
Dinosaurs II
"All details of their anatomy, the environment and their fossils are found in, show that they have taken their lives to go, descending, and the selection of animals and other prey," said Nash.
A diet to be done as a seagull trawls in his jaw has less water. Possibly in or smacking a fish and shrimp from the water. "Whatever they have beaten the strength of the shock, the head and the body below the neck and in the water, which is a very flexible neck," said Witton.
This is the case with the seagulls and pelicans (as a diver diving), but azhdarchid neck, despite potentially to almost 10 feet (3 m) length, is super stiff. "Anyway, these animals were, he had to participate in a minimum of neck action," said Witton.
Their little feet also excluded in the river to ford the water or mud explores soft food. "Some of these animals are enormous," said Witton Live Science. "If you have to ford through the silent mud, and you weigh quarter tone, and you have this little dinky foot, you will be a little tub po"
The head of the reptiles was also quite long, up to 10 feet (3 meters). So says a Witton azhdarchid have only the head turnout in part on the ground, enough to the end of his pines, you are asking to hunt and feed on prey on land. Back before they disappeared 65 million years at the event, which also killed off the coast of bird flu dinosaurs, pterosaurs could breakfast on the animals, small birds such as T. Rex Velicoraptors to babies in amphibians.
Urban Ants
Cities may 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the surrounding rural areas, with asphalt roads and other properties absorption and the holding of more energy from the sun as a natural landscape. The researchers, the urban development "heat island".
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what makes the Earth habitable? The original video Live Science explores the science of global warming and explains how at the moment, the conditions here are straight ahead.
The researchers have examined the colonies of leaf-cutting ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa) inside and outside of Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America, the largest city with a population of more than 11 million people. They focused on the means and the urban and rural ants tolerate extreme heat and cold in the premises of the testing phase.
With 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit, scientists from the urban ants lasted 20 percent longer than ants from outside the city before the extreme heat knocked her implementation. Strangely, although the researchers expected that the extreme cold in the city of ants faster, they found urban ants back storage at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) in ice-Entombed Petri dishes around so fast that the ants, which outside the city.
"We do not know whether this model to other species or other cities, but people should be sure to research," researcher Michael Angilletta the State University of Indiana said in a prepared statement. "Ultimately, this research could help us to understand how the species are responding to global climate change."
"We will thermal maps using satellite images, which over several years," said Qihao Weng researchers at Indiana State University. "These cards can be the potential biological effects of urban warming and identify suitable locations for future experiments."
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Ancient Insect
A fossil of leaf-imitating insects was founded. They believed it was 47 million years ago similarities to the mimickers of today.
The discovery is the first fossil of a leaf insects (Eophyllium messelensis), and also shows that the leaves imitation is an old and successful evolutionary strategy was maintained over a relatively long period of time.
The scientists under the direction of Sonja Wedmann of the
From 2.4-inches long insects were similar physical features the oblong leaves of trees living there at the time, including Myrtle trees, legumes such as alfalfa, and
He also shares with the functions of modern family of insects in size, shape and pattern for camouflage. For example, the foliage has fossils well as the extension of its abdomen.
During the day, to hide, the robbers on a sheet of insects can remain quiet for long periods, Raffung his head in her body to the leaves. The fossils of insects seem clear that the scientists found their legs were curves and has a stage when the head of the insect could be used.
The night when the insects are active at night, they rock-and forth like a leaf floating in the wind.
Insects hold thier breath
And insects breathe through the holes, called spiracles, in its whole body. Some insects close the holes from time to time. The scientists had thought, perhaps they have arrested to breathe to the loss of water or to adapt to environments with carbon dioxide, but no evidence supports sound idea.
The new study shows that if the oxygen we need is an insect, to tissue damage. The opening and closing of spiracles is in a way that airs carbon dioxide according to the identified needs, without the inhalation of oxygen.
The research was by
Insect package corresponds to the lungs to a large part of her body. Hit the air industry throughout the body - an efficient system to vigorously breathing critters. The introduction of air and carbon dioxide is more than 100 times faster than through the blood, as with the people.
The researchers studied the dolls butterfly atlas moth night and found it manages to keep the oxygen constant.
"Historically, the physiologist, justified the spiracles open during the financial year to deliver more oxygen," Bradley HETZ and write. "We say it openly, because they are free from the need to close."
The scientists provide "evidence" that the insects, their breathing not acquire to oxygen as well as to prevent, said Thorsten Burmester from the
"The hypothesis has serious implications for the way we believe that the breathing of the animals," Burmester wrote in an analysis of monitoring in the magazine
The correlation is probably a compromise between development, have a large brain and the production of shipments of semen, said Scott Pitnick, biologist at the University of Syracuse in New York, he at the forefront of research.
"The man multiplier's the greatest number of sperm May this game to win, and hence many bats have large testes scandalous," said Pitnick. Because they live with a knife energy demand shows bats May not be able to drive their development, the testes and big heads. "
Female bats in many species mate with more than a simple man, and the sperm can enter the body of the woman during the long period leading to a fierce competition between sperm to fertilize the egg. Pitnick suspected that the men, the testicles relatively large and small brains leave more that the large-brained children and less fertile competitors.
In the study, Pitnick and his colleagues studied 334 species of bat, and noted that the species with the promiscuity of women, men have larger testicles, but relatively small brains. In species where the women are loyal to their companions, the link has been made. The study also showed that the men of loyalty seems to have no effect on the testicles or size of the brain.
In some species of bat, the testicles of males can be up to 8.5% of body mass. Of all mammals, the bats the largest selection of testicular mass: between 0.12 percent and 8.5 percent of body mass.
By comparison, the mass of the testicles in primates (including humans) varies from 0.02 to 0.75 percent
Frogs and Toads are Different
As a general rule, but if we believe, frogs, the overall picture called "True frogs "....
Members of the family Ranidae, with over 400 species.
These frogs have characteristics:
* Two eyes dished
* Good for a long time, a network of background feet, to jump and swim
* Smooth skin or mucous membrane (usually frogs rather humid environment)
* Frogs tend to place the eggs in clusters.
The frogs of this family are found on all continents except Antarctica. They are regarded as the "real frogs, because its general body shape and history of life: the so-called generic frog.
The members of this family are part of horse frog, the frog, green frog, leopard frog, Seefrosch, pickerel frog, the frog and wood.
The notion of toads instead on "True toads "....
Bufonidae family members, with over 300 species.
These species of frogs, are characterized by:
* Stubby with the rear legs short (for hiking instead Hopping)
* Warts and dry skin (usually prefer dry-climate)
* Paratoid (or poison) glands behind the eyes
* The cartilage chest toads also differs.
* Toads tend to place the eggs in long chains. (There are a few toads (Nectophrynoides genres), however, are the only types of anurans to raise young people's lives!)
True toads are in the world, except in Australasia, polar regions, Madagascar and Polynesia, but has been artificially Bufo marinus in Australia and some South Pacific islands.
Bufo addition, the family includes 25 species, all of which, like frogs, frog!
Bees are so Remarkable
Between 20 000 and 60 000 alive bees in a hive. The queen bee can lay 1 500 eggs per day and live up to 2 years. The drones, whose only mission is to mate with the queen bee, has a shelf life of about 24 days - has no sting. Work bees - all women sterile - the normal work the same death within 40 days this summer, collect nectar and pollen. Worker bees fly up to 14 kilometers (9 miles), pollen and nectar, fly to 24 Km / h (15 MPH).
The pollen is the highest bid in proteins and vitamins for bees, 10 amino acids needed. The nectar is up 80% sugar, but less than 0.2% protein, is the nectar of carbohydrates in the cell. The nectar of bees in the cell by cell, then the evaporation of water from the nectar of the wing by a quick move. If the quantity of water is less than 18% considered the mixture and honey bees, cap cells. Thus, 80% honey, sugar and 20% water. A mixture of honey and pollen regarded as "the bread of bees" and are food for bees and larvae.
A worker bee communicate its results in a floral dance in the cell. The orientation of their movements and frequency of vibration to show them the direction and distance of flowers.
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