
Leopard is a very easily identifiable by its rosette patterned coat and extremely long, dark tail. This large cat is sometimes confused with the seemingly Jaguar South Americas - where the Leopard is less stocky and, unlike Jaguar, the rosette of its characters are generally smaller, and they do not have seats. Overall the whole of the Leopard depends very much on the rent and the larger animals more and more of the length is nearly 5 feet with an additional tail length of about 3 feet - usually the man is between 20-40% higher than for women. That is the basis of color, the robe also varies greatly, depending on the location, ranging from yellow, gold, prairies, yellow / cream desert gold deep in mountain and forest regions. All black or mechanistic leopard, sometimes known as "Black Panthers" were born the same extent as normally marked with cats and is also a rosette, even if they are hidden by the darkness of fur. It found that the mechanistic Leopard is the most commonly occurs in a dense and humid forest regions of India and South-East Asia, which benefit from the color of the cat to sleep.

Leopard is a versatile hunter and, in general, nocturnal pursuit of its prey - but the high levels of hunting in educating young women, often leads to more opportunists hunting during the day. Type prey by the Leopard is again dependent largely on its location - right in the grasslands of Africa, where the roaming herds of large and medium herbivores are common leopard take the youth and pace Wildebeest, Impala and the gaze. However, the same areas Leopard will also take small mammals such as hares and rock Tamaanit, reptiles and insects. However, the western and central forested areas of Africa, the Leopard catch consists mainly of small antelope as the duiker, small monkeys and various rodents, such as rats, squirrels, and porcupines.

Although very competent fighter and the Leopard has not been without a threat to other carnivores - because of this the Leopard commonly caches prey to a high branches of trees near the boxes to the recovery of opportunistic hyenas and lions. It is here that the Leopard shows his great strength - his strong arm and neck muscles, which will allow him to continue to fully mature male giraffe antelope, or even to young people, often weighing up to three times Oman of body weight, high tops of trees. The direct competition with other large cats such as lions, Africa and the tiger in tropical Asia is that this province has been largely overcome, leopards ability to hunt and, more broadly, as the prey, or any other of its two larger rivals. In Asia, the Leopard is also recom-tigre its ability to exist in areas without a plentiful water supply. In some regions, where its habitat is close to that of human leopard has been known to hunt close to houses, preying, pets, livestock and rodents.

Although there are no other wild cat is a very wide range and diversity of birds of prey as the Leopard, it is still under threat in many areas. When the common in all regions of Africa outside the deserts of the Sahara, it has now disappeared from most parts of North Africa, with the exception of a few widespread areas, Atlas, and it is rare in the extreme west of the continent. Under the common leopard, in the middle of the East, Ppnimr and Ppjarvisi have now all gone, but, as is a Persian leopard (Ppsaxicolor). South-East Asia and India, the amount has been reduced, mainly because of hunting the prized fur and the loss of a natural way, because the spread of the human population. South Korean Leopard (Pporientalis), which is also known as Amur Leopard are extremely rare, largely affected by loss of habitat.

While the Leopard has been able to better survive Africa scope of the Lion and the cheetah, which now exists only in places only in this region, the Leopard, in particular in the Middle East, and South-West is extremely dangerous.

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