Humpback Whales

The fin is a shock to solid, thick-Wall body weighs an average of 30000 kg (66000 lb) (up to 48000 kg (106000 lb)). It is about 14 meters (46 ') length (up to 18 meters (59')). The upper part of the body is dark blue-black. The color of the background of its surface is very different from all the blacks in all white by various degrees of persiflage. The Finn is different in shape, almost flat and triangular height. The palm trees are the longest of all animals, about 1 / 3 of length. Whales are in shock in the coastal areas or on a shelf in the waters of the high-latitude areas in summer, food in the cold, water production. In winter, they draw in the clutch and furrowing green areas in the tropical or subtropical waters.

The diet of the northern hemisphere humpback whales includes plank tonic crustaceans and small fish tuition fees. Whales in shock in the Southern Ocean to feed mainly on the Antarctic krill. The surge in Fin whale feeding in the cold waters in the spring, summer and autumn, then wanders the winter goes in the tropical oceans, where the calves and breeds. Migrations of humpback whales are among the longest of all mammals, and are known for up to nearly 8000 km (5000 miles). The humpback whales are a variety of sounds, which can be combined, develop in a song. There are, it seems dialects that the singing of whales in an area which differs to some extent by the heard in other areas. The social organization of humpback whales is extremely fluid at both ends of the migration policy. With the exception of the mother / calf pairs, the groups are usually small and unstable, and people often change companion.

The fin in shock happens in all oceans and the adjacent seas of the world, from the tropics to almost to the edge of the ice in the Polar Regions. It appears three geographically isolated populations in the North Atlantic, North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Although commercial hunting seriously exhausted all stocks surge, and these whales are vulnerable to collisions with vessels, the interdependence in the Fang equipment and the disruption (including serious injury) in trade and industry, humpback whales have shown resistance and a large part the stocks to recover.

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